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E.B.S Candles31 LLC

Intentions Ritual 005

Intentions Ritual 005

Regular price $60.00
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If you know exactly what energy you want to bring in during this moon cycle, write it down. Be as specific as you possibly can. To lend this intention more power, write on  parchment using a special  quill and dragon blood Ink.  Take your time to devote as much energy to this as you can -- embellish it with symbols related to your desires, if you wish.

When the ink dries, fold the parchment. Place it under a quartz crystal, and set it in the faint light of the new moon. Hold your hands over the parchment and crystal, and say,

"In the moon's new light,
I call this night,
My desires and needs,
Come hither to me."

Visualize silvery energy growing in a bubble around the parchment, expanding until it finally releases the power of your intentions. Keep the crystal and parchment in place until the full moon, then revisit your request and see how much progress you have made.

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