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E.B.S Candles31 LLC

Tea Time 002 Face Your Dark Side

Tea Time 002 Face Your Dark Side

Regular price $25.00
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Face Your Dark Side

Everyone has a shadow self. A shadow self is not always negative -- the bad stuff only happens when we continue to deny and reject it. The fall equinox is a time of balance, and its energy can help us recognize and integrate these aspects of ourselves.

Make yourself a safe space. You might want to draw a circle with cascarilla power or salt, light black or White candles ,or use a special  Protection Candle.

When you are in a safe place, take a moment to relax your body. Notice any tension you are feeling. What color is it? What emotion do you feel when you explore it? Examine your emotions, and see where you may feel stuck or tense. Ask this feeling what it wants from you. Listen for the answer. It may be energy residue from an old argument, feelings of shame, or guilt. Let it speak.

Once you can recognize this trapped, tense energy - accept it. If you can give it what it wants, do so. If not, allow yourself to feel self-compassion. Release it and ground yourself.


Let’s Spell It Out”

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